Duke Nukem.exe

One night. I was walking In a strange dark alley, untill I found this strange old man with a long beard, holding a disc that said "Duke Nukem.exe" "Oh Man! I love Duke Nukem!" I said, I asked the old man for It. And he said "This disc Is dangerous, young one. Do you think this Is a wise choice?" he said, I was cerious and all. So he gived me the disc for free. I was walking back home, untill I saw some strange glowing eyes that looked suspious. But I Ignored It and continued on. I went Into my house, for some reason the door was unlocked. I expected It to be just an accident and such. I Ignored It, and continued walking upstairs with the game. I sat the disc on the table and pulled out my computer chair. "Can't wait for some pure nostalgia. Good ol' Duke".
I put In the disc In my laptop, and the game just started. No Installnation, no nothing really. The game started with the title screen, the nostalgic theme of Duke Nukem 3D plays as the Duke3D title screen showed. For some reason... Something was off. Duke looked... Demonic. I just shrugged It off as a joke. "What could possibly go wrong?", I said. The game started, and for some reason It was all... Hyper-Realistic. The screen started flashing red and white, and I noticed Duke was somewhat raping a woman. I couldn't see why not. The girls love Duke Nukem and crap. Why would they NOT like It? I yet again, shrugged It off. And then this Is where stuff gets real... A screen showed with Duke's eyes completely darken and his pupils were just red dots. His teeth were gritty and rotten, as I could see flesh on them. I played through all of It. Nothing but rape, murder, and satanic Images. I had to stop right there, I got off my computer chair, and lied down. The dreams... They were horrifying. Totally fucked up, In the most horrifying ways. I woke up, covered In sweat. Untill... Right on the foot of my bed... Duke Nukem was there... And he told me the most gruesomest thing I ever heard In my life...
"Your moving with your auntie and uncle In Bel-Air."